It was perfectly lovely not to be pregnant or have a tiny babe for the party this year! We decided last year’s ‘donuts only’ theme was THE BEST IDEA I HAVE EVER HAD and repeated it. As it turns out, Penny and Tillie and my affinity for parties go together like donuts and sprinkles. Jessie and I have been planning parties non-stop lately, and we are rolling most of the decor into our shop inventory. Like this giant heart balloon…
{This was the last year for the Vday party at the Blue House!}
We flanked my buffet with two giant pink balloons which we bedecked with honeycomb balls and some exceptionally glittery hearts we made. And the donuts make such an impact that you don’t need much else!

Best beverage for donuts? No brainer. MILK. Aren’t the vintagey bottles the best?

A few years ago we did chocolate chippers with milk shots. This year it was donut holes. Brilliant!

As always, all the guests were darling with a capital Totes magoats.

Carts and his favorite girl, Zo-Zo

Also: Jessie is a megababe.

Hope you can join us next year! Viva Cookie and the best tradition ever!

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