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Valentine’s Day Party 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day!  This year’s party was probably my favorite yet.  The night before, Taylor and I had been in charge of refreshments for a church event.  Having piped frosting on 450 cupcakes and hauled my ginormous collection of cake plates to the church, we weren’t up for an intense Vday spread.  So…Puck’s Donuts to the rescue!  And I tell you what, we are doing that again next year!  Still beautiful, still delish, and SO.MUCH.EASIER!

Darling Melissa and the girls brought tulips when they came early to help.  Melis and Tan helped setting up the donut buffet and the girls entertained my fat little babe so I could finish getting myself ready.  Turns out the vintage-to-my-infancy outfit I’d been saving for Clara to wear barely fit her.  Cute little fatso.

I did another heart wall this year.  I printed a bunch of photos from the last calendar year in glossy black and white.  I am so smitten with it I don’t think I’ll be able to take it down.  I’m tempted to plaster the entire wall with pictures, actually.  It’s so fun for us to look at.

The spread was awesome.  Puck (his name is actually Bay) is our neighbor, and he and his darling wife, Chanda, were so fun to work with.  He even threw in several dozen donut holes for free.

Giant dispenser of milk?  Yes, please! (Thanks, Jill!)

Some photos of the fun…

Clara and her besties.

The toddler boys fought over the balls.


This is what we did after the party.

Happy Valentine’s Day, dears!

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