I’ve been using #cropperstakebackchristmas all season on Instagram because last Christmas was the pits. Our entire family got taken out by Influenza and burned up with fevers in bed while the rest of the world sang carols, drank hot chocolate, acted out the Nativity, and opened presents. I was halfway through mailing out cards when we came down with it, and (sigh) I never sent the second half out! (Sorry last names N-Z!)
This year I’ve been ultra determined to soak up the season, get things done on time, and make memories as a family. Of course, this takes considerable effort as we have a little baby this year and our family is basically a circus. I’ve learned to streamline as much as possible. Example: too messy and time consuming to each do an individual graham cracker house– one gingerbread house kit from the store it is!
That’s why I was so incredibly excited to use Minted for our Christmas cards this year. Granted, I could go on and on about how thick and luxurious the paper is, how I wish you could feel the texture of our luxe letter press (!!!!) cards, and how high quality the photo printing is, but when it comes down to it, the reason I’ll be a Minted fan for life, is that I just imported all of my addresses into my Minted account, and then they printed the envelopes for FREE!!! (Cue mother of five squealing with delight!) I just got hours of my life back and now, every single year, I can just update address changes in my account and do it again! I could not be more thrilled! I think next year I’ll have to go with the gold foil…
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