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Crayon Valentines DIY

It's February! I'm so excited! Valentine's Day is second only to Christmas in this house. Lots of years it's all I can do to grab some easy class valentines from Target, but when I have the energy and bandwidth, I really enjoy helping my kids make something unique for their classmates.

I am excited to share this activity with you because it's super simple and a really, really fun creative process for the kids.

Years ago I started collecting silicone molds to make homemade crayons. We use heart-shaped molds to make the most darling valentine crayons. Everyone has old broken, grubby crayons around, and it's such a great way to give them new life!

To make these valentines, you will need:

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This free printable label designed by Emily C. Yates.


1. Unwrap your crayons. This is the only tedious part of this project. It's something easy to do while you watch a family movie and many hands make light work.

2. Fill the molds with crayon pieces. I prefer to put like colors in each mold, for a marbled, monochromatic look. I love so much that every single heart comes out different.

3. Set the mold on a foil-covered sheet pan. The molds don't tend to drip, but I'd rather not spend any time scraping wax off my cookie sheets.

4. Place the pan in a 250 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. You're looking for all of the wax to become liquid.

5. Remove the pan and allow the crayons to cool. I like to make sure they are really hard before gently popping them out of the mold.

6. Print the labels out on white card stock and cut them out on the cut lines provided. If you want to write "to" and "from" names on the label, this would be the best time.

7. Place one heart crayon in each cellophane bag and staple the label on the top.

That’s it. I love the color combinations that come out of this project. It is equally delightful for me and my kids!

Let me know if you have any questions, and please tag me on Instagram if you do this project! I would love to see.

Happy February, my friends!




Frye Jacob
Frye Jacob

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