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Back to School Feast 2014

Every year our Back to School Feast is a little less grand than I imagined it.  It’s such a busy time, getting the kids outfitted for school, planning our annual Labor Day camping trip, etc.  This year, on top of that, I was planning a humanitarian project (more on that soon) and preparing for a triathlon!  So the poster with the theme didn’t happen and I didn’t end up getting great photos of the decor.  OH WELL.  The good news is that this year my children were darling and grateful at the feast, which was a huge improvement on last year!

I decided on a gold and silver theme so I cut crowns out of a paper towel roll and spray painted them gold, recycled paper placemats I’d recently dotted gold for a baby shower (more on that soon!), and used a bunch of silver and gold lanterns for the centerpiece.  Done and done.

For the menu the kids begged for their Sunday fave: pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans.  Vanilla ice cream for dessert.

Our theme for the year is Come What May, and Love It, which I took from this favorite talk.  It’s a good one for all of us, and Taylor and I plan on expanding on various principles related to it throughout the year during Family Home Evening lessons.

I try to make the gifts every year both fun and practical.  I’m just going to go ahead and toot my own horn and say that this year, I nailed it.

Blaine and Roger got alarm clocks–Lego Yoda for B and Emmet for Rog.  Obviously they think they are the coolest clocks ever and they are creating exactly the results I was hoping for.  This morning I heard Yoda start beeping, then a few minutes later Blaine appeared in my room, completely dressed and ready, with time to spare for playing with legos before breakfast.  AMAZEBALLS.   (Anyone familiar with Blaine’s struggles and tardy record last year can second that amazeballs.)

Carter got a lunchbox.  OK listen, they don’t even eat lunch at Memory Lane Preschool, but this kid is 3 going on 10.  HE WANTS TO BE A BIG BOY LIKE HIS BROTHERS!  Here’s what I die about: Carter’s expressive face.  Also, he’s already used his lunchbox like 42 times, so…worth it.

This is such a fun tradition.  I love how it sets a standard and makes a big deal out of going back to school.  I love the unity and excitement.  And I know it will only be a few years until my kids think I’m lame and won’t want to wear paper crowns anymore, so I’m going to live it up while I can.

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